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How big are your pigs fully grown? How big will my pig be?


These are the two most common questions we get asked! 

Mini pigs grow very slowly when fed a healthy, complete diet and are not considered mature until 3-5 years of age. Our current breeding herd are some of the smallest you will find in the UK and currently range from 15-17 inches tall. We often use dog breeds to help people gauge size, e.g. staffy to spaniel size.

In order to understand how miniature pigs grow and mature, we have begun to measure our pigs routinely - our mature adults are checked annually and no growth has been documented beyond 5 years old. This will help us understand how both our own lines and others we add to our herd compare in both growth rate and eventual size. We believe it is really important to use data like this to know exactly what you are producing and aid making decisions in a successful breeding program. To our knowledge, no other breeder in the UK measures their pigs routinely and gathers data like we do.

Some examples of pigs both from our own lines and bought in are below. 

Miniature pigs should never be underfed to keep them small


1 year: 13in

2 years: 15in

3 years: 15.5in

4 years: 15.5in

5 years: 16in


1 year: 11in

2 years: 13in

3 years: 14in

4 years: 14.5in

5 years: 15in 

6 years: 15in


1 year: 15in

2 years: 16.5in

3 years: 17in

3 1/2 years: 17in

4 years: 17.5

5 years: 17.5in


8 weeks: 8in

4mths: 9.5in

6mths: 10in

7mths: 12in

1 year: 14.5in

2 years: 15.5in


6mths: 12in

1 year: 15in

1 1/2 years: 15.25in

2 years: 16in

3 years: 17in

4 years: 17in


6mths: 10.5in

1 year: 12in

2 years: 14in

3 years: 16in

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