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What are micro/mini/teacup pigs?

Miniature/mini/micro & teacup are all names for the same thing - pigs that have been bred to be small and kept as pets. 

How big will my pig get?

A genuine miniature pig should be no bigger than knee height at full maturity if fed and cared for correctly. Pigs can take 3-5 years to finish growing. Pigs that stay the size of a teacup or guinea-pig do not exist - all piglets grow and should never be underfed to keep them small. For more information on growth and size in mini pigs please visit our size page. 

What do they eat?

Your pig will require a complete, nutritionally balanced pelleted feed designed for pigs daily. Pigs love to graze and root and will eat straw/hay too. Pigs enjoy fruit and vegetables but must not be fed kitchen scraps or catering waste. Further advice can be found on the DEFRA website. Fresh, clean water must always be available. 

How much space do I need?

Pigs make great pets and often enjoy spending time inside the house with their owners. However, all pigs must have access to outdoors to express natural behaviour. It is best to have a dedicated area or run for your pig to enjoy of a minimum of 6x6m that is safe and secure. Shelter must always be provided - a draft-free, dry house with plenty of straw to snuggle into is ideal. 

Are pigs easy to train?

Pigs are incredibly smart and can be trained quickly and easily. They are also naturally clean animals and will never toilet near their bed so are also possible to litter train. Pigs thrive on positive reinforcement and are ideal candidates for clicker training!

What do i need to do legally to keep a pig?

Before you bring your pig home you must obtain a CPH number. This registers where you will be keeping the pig so a record can be made of it leaving us to come and live there with you. it is free and easy to get - more information can be found here. A record must also be kept of all medicines given to your pig during its lifetime. 

More information on the legal aspects of keeping pigs as pets can be found here

Piglets in harnesses
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